"I feel good, oh so good ..."

The successes with ANIFIT dog food from the perspective of Golden Retriever "Nico"
When my mum heard about ANIFIT, she was immediately enthusiastic and signed up as a consultant right after the first information evening. However, as she is fundamentally sceptical and had been looking for a good dog food for me for a long time, she decided to use me as a "guinea pig" for at least two weeks before her first ANIFIT business party - luckily for me ... Equipped with rice, dumpling bread, antibiophilus etc. to cope with the impending emergency situation, i.e. diarrhoea due to a change of dog food, she prepared my first ANIFIT meals for me. I never left her side and drooled all over the kitchen - people, it smelled and tasted so good... I had never licked my bowl so clean!
My mum even went so far as to try some of my ANIFIT meal and found it just as delicious as I did. In the first few days I was even allowed to stay in her bedroom again so that she could hear me when I had to go out at night - but nothing like that happened. The only unpleasant thing during this time was that I was very restricted in my private parts because she kept a close eye on my excretions. She was extremely surprised that these had already reduced by 2/3 after about a week (apart from the third day of the trial with slight diarrhoea). She explains to everyone that with my 28kg live weight I get everything I need with just one 400g/day can - and I tell you, that's true, but because it tastes so good.
And she now cuddles me even more than before because she has noticed that I no longer stink (well, you know), no longer burp and have no bad breath (another great side effect for me, the cuddling!). Oh yes, I almost forgot: Something really important for us vacuum cleaner-ridden creatures. This roaring monster is now only used at the usual times, because - oh great wonder - I don't shed any more!!! My coat shines like silk and people on the street talk to us about how beautiful I am (that's nothing new) and how splendid my coat is - then my mum has the explanation ready: ANIFIT makes it possible!
And most people can hardly believe that I look so great and am so fit with a 400g tin of this delicious meal. Speaking of fitness - that's the only thing my mum can't explain objectively, because I'm a well-trained endurance athlete anyway, especially now that we'll soon be back at the Atlantic and I'll be winding down my swimming kilometres. She can always add ANIFIT flakes to meet my increased energy requirements during sport and, of course, refine them with a dash of delicious olive oil.
Nico and mum Theodora Nimmrichter
August 2006
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