Silky & shiny coat at last

Our dog Moritz, about 10 years young and adopted from animal welfare, had been suffering from all sorts of skin complaints for some time, which really annoyed us all, mainly our poor dog of course. The vet and the veterinary dermatologist had endlessly fiddled around, collected a lot of money and failed to find a cure. When he was then told to take cortisone for a long time and if that didn't help, antibiotics should be used, all my alarm bells started ringing because that was out of the question for him. We had already lost our first dog this way.
I suspected a food intolerance and searched the internet for the best possible food for him. After days of searching in various forums and feed shops, I finally came across ANIFIT and was convinced just from reading the ingredients and the good gut feeling afterwards.
I initially ordered 2 trial packs and followed the instructions for the change of food. I am absolutely thrilled and so is our Moritz. He eats this food with growing enthusiasm, whether with flakes, with carrot flakes or pure, everything goes in perfectly. And that
Best of all: he now has a silky, shiny coat again, the itching and scratching has stopped after a week and he is fit and lively again.
So we will never use any other food as long as he lives and hopefully for a very, very long time to come.
Yours sincerely
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