Field report from Charly, Mila and Matilda

Dear Anifit team,
My husband and I live together with Charly & Mila, our wonderful dogs, and Matilda, our enchantingly wild cat lady. All three of them are always waiting with water in their mouths when there's "munchies".
Matilda loves to eat power pots. She is a five-month-old brown-grey tabby power kitten, so it suits her perfectly :). She also loves the treats and always runs wildly around the kitchen before she eats them. It's nice to see how she grows and thrives and feels good.
Charly is a seven-and-a-half-year-old Leonberger mix and has always been a little sensitive when it comes to food. He is an absolute connoisseur and eats his food rather leisurely. He tolerates Gockel's Duett very well. We mix it with vegetables and potato flakes. He loves that! Unfortunately, he doesn't tolerate the Anifit treats very well. They give him diarrhoea, so he doesn't get them any more. He loves carrots and crispbread with a little butter and we give him that as a treat from time to time :).
Mila is three and a half years old and an omnivore ;). No wonder, as she is an Australiansheperd with Labrador mix. No matter what she gets, she "inhales" it. She particularly likes beef ears for dessert and Picco-Train :). But she also loves the tinned meat mixed with flakes.
Our dog and cat always eat together. The bowls are next to each other in the kitchen and it's always a great pleasure to watch and listen to our loved ones smacking and enjoying their food. However, we have to keep an eye on it because Mila is so greedy and likes to help herself to the other two bowls ;)."
Thank you!
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