Bailey is healthy and vital!

Dear Anifit team,
I would like to give you a short feedback! Our Bailey came to us when he was 10 weeks old. At that time he had severe diarrhoea. We thought it was the stress of moving in with us. After 3 days it got so bad that he had blood in his faeces. The vet's diagnosis: giardia. Within a few days, he had slumped from a bundle of joy to a skinny frame, had a dull coat and was getting weaker and weaker.
At the same time, I started looking for well-tolerated dog food without superfluous or even harmful ingredients and ended up with Anifit. Mr Rosenboom called me straight away in the evening and gave me some expert nutritional tips on how we could make our furry friend's recovery a little easier and faster so that we could then start to change his diet (Mor's carrot soup was worth its weight in gold at the time, by the way).
Today Bailey is 9 months old, perfectly healthy and a splendid chap. We have the food (+ the powder to support the intestinal flora) and the good nutritional advice to thank for some of this.
Apart from that, we are delighted with the surprise that comes with every parcel. Bailey was particularly pleased with the advent calendar and is in the kitchen every morning to pick up his special treat.
We have the all-round feeling that we have made a good decision with Anifit and our dog confirms this. :)
Best regards,
Caro, Melissa, Ida and Bailey
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