Felix and Micky are completely satisfied!

The food evaluation for Anifit from the BKH's Felix and Micky, 8 months old and neutered 2 weeks ago:
If there's fish a la mode or ice sea pots on Fridays, there's not a drop left in the bowl.
We eat Nautilus Ragout or Delice de Coeur without any mishap. If we are served Puterich's Delight with jelly, our mum can happily eat her breakfast bread with plum jam without us quickly devouring it! Should there be drugs in the power pot? After that we can hardly contain ourselves! However, if we were always fed according to our hunger, we would soon weigh too much!
We send our best wishes from Netphen-Irmgarteichen and will now hand the mobile phone back to mum Hannelore Schober.
April 2018
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