Sammy the dog & Kaspar the cat

Dear Anifit Team,
Before we got to know Anifit, we only fed our dog Sammy dry food and at best some tinned rumen. As a result, our dog, who we got from Spain two years ago when he was about nine years old, put on weight continuously - even though he only got about two thirds of the amount of food recommended by the manufacturer. Sammy smelled very unpleasant, had oily skin and a dull coat and a distended stomach with severe flatulence. In addition, his major and minor ailments, such as itchy skin, reddened eyes and joint problems with severe pain, especially in wet and cold weather, became more frequent. Our vet suspected an allergy, among other things, and blamed his problems on his previous history. She recommended painkillers and a change of food, whereby we had to find out for ourselves which dog food would be good for our dog...
By chance, we became aware of Anifit at an event at Wickrath Castle in summer 2012 and ordered a test meal for Sammy. In February, the time had finally come. Our fat red Pelle was immediately enthusiastic about the new food and our new family member, a small black cat called Kaspar, also visibly enjoyed the new food.
To cut a long story short: Sammy has now lost almost two kilos in weight, his digestion is regulated and he is no longer in pain (also thanks to Anifit Gelenkfit). The itchy skin has disappeared, his coat is shiny, he no longer stinks and his eyes are clear. He is much more agile than before. He is doing really well! And our little Kaspar is also doing extremely well! He is growing and thriving magnificently.
Thank you Anifit!
I. Mevissen
April 2013
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