Lucy & Sam
Lucy & Sam (coat and skin problems)

Dear Anifit Team,
We, our 2 four-legged friends, Lucy (German shepherd mix, 9 years old) and Sam (Tibetan terrier-shepherd mix, 7 years old) have been testing Anifit for a few weeks now and wanted to tell anyone interested about our experiences with it.
We came across Anifit through Mrs Engelhardt. She simply approached me on the street during one of our daily walks and invited our two dogs to a test meal. At this appointment, I learnt a lot about nutrition, right and wrong, which Mrs Engelhardt explained really well and, above all, conveyed in an understandable way. Until then, I had been one of those who thought that dry food was the best...
I decided to give Anifit a try. Our Lucy had always had a lot of coat and skin problems and had already been given extra dry food for sensitive dogs. Sam had always been an absolute food-lover from puppyhood onwards and was very fussy when it came to food. So it sometimes happened that he didn't eat anything for days on end, whereas Lucy is a real little "eating machine" and would happily polish off her brother's portion if her mistress wasn't quick enough and put it away :-).
They got their first tin of Anifit on holiday in Denmark. And lo and behold, our Sam was "on fire" right from the start. He ate with absolute enthusiasm, which is something you really don't know from him at all, and it has stayed that way to this day!!! He is the first one in the kitchen in the evening, wagging happily as he waits for his evening meal. There have been absolutely no problems with the change inLucy's dog foodas far as her coat and itching are concerned. On the contrary, she now has a really shiny coat. The only thing is that Sam has lost a bit of weight, but according to Mrs Engelhardt this is normal at the beginning as the body is already going through a kind of detoxification. Now Sam has an extra portion of pasta and I am confident that he will soon be back to his normal weight.
Conclusion: before Anifit, i.e. feeding with dry food: skin/fur problems, bad teeth (lots of plaque/tartar), since we have been feeding Anifit: shiny coat, no more itching, amazingly after a very short time much better teeth (almost zero plaque) and 2 dogs who eat with so much appetite and who simply love it :-).
I am glad that I decided in favour of Anifit (even if I pay more than three times as much for the dog food as I had to pay for the dry food, but the health of my 2 sweeties is absolutely worth it to me, even if, no question, it does tear quite a hole in the wallet...) and can really only recommend the food to everyone!
Best regards from Rike Schemschat with Lucy and Sam
December 2012
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