Amadeus (no digestive problems)

Dear Anifit Team,
I would like to share my experience of switching to Anifit dog food with you.
I am a completely satisfied customer, but first and foremost, of course, my mixed-breed dog Amadeus (6 years old).
The dog food is a special highlight for him every day, because he loves to eat it and is always looking forward to it. For my dog, every day is a holiday because he gets it served on his white plate and only when I say: "Here you go" is he allowed to eat it with great relish.
I quickly noticed the changes after switching to Anifit. Amadeus has simply become much fitter and can run much longer on the bike and his digestion is also in top form. No more constipation, no more digestive problems. He can also keep his weight down and is still full because the dog food is very high quality.
I would also like to thank my consultant Mr Zintl and Mrs Zintl for their great support. The service is simply great and I can always use it. Where else can you get free professional advice and support in a shop these days? The delivery arrives quickly and without any problems and I can discuss order requests with my consultant at any time.
I was very sceptical at first, because this was about my dog Amadeus, who is of course very dear to me. It was definitely worth becoming an Anifit customer.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards
Ellen Gerighausen
May 2012
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