Fuzzel (food allergy)

Dear Anifit Team,
We have been testing the Anifit products for several weeks. Our dog, a Lhasa Apso, had previously always reacted to conventional products with food allergies, which were due to more or less definable fillers and additives in the dog food.
We are pleased that these reactions no longer occur. We can therefore give the Anifit products the highest marks in terms of safe tolerance and good digestibility. The variety of products offers our dog a balanced nutritional basis so that we do not have to combine them with products from other manufacturers.
In addition to the product quality, your personal advice should also be praised. You advise with knowledge and passion and your commitment to the product and company are convincing. Last but not least, we would also like to emphasise the good shipping service. The goods always arrive on time and in full.
A company where the triad of product, advice and company works so well can only be successful. Please keep up the good work and many new satisfied customers.
Peter Heisterover
May 2012
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