It strengthens the immune system!

Dear Anifit Team
I came across Anifit and Jola Polenz in a roundabout way. Fortunately. I've always been interested in healthy nutrition for dogs, but I've never been completely satisfied. As I sometimes feed meat raw and sometimes cook it, I use the tinned meat when I need it quickly. But the rice pops, natural flakes and carrot flakes are on the menu every day. Yes, and on Jola's advice, Power Darm too. At first I kept forgetting to give it and only gave it irregularly. But for about 6 weeks now it has been added to the food every day. Yes, and then I noticed that the drainage marks on Ice's eyes had disappeared. He already had it as a puppy and I was used to it. Some of them were dark brown and not nice on a light-coloured coat.
Something also changed with Bina, our golden cocker girl. She already had extreme problems with her eyes as a puppy. She always had very wet fur, sometimes up to her lips. When nothing helped, we went to see an ophthalmologist. He said that the openings were malformed and therefore the fluid could not drain out. We were about to have an operation to correct this.
But then I noticed that her eyes were also getting drier and drier. I compared it with the photos from last year and my husband also noticed it. Then I asked Jola if this could be due to the power bowel? It could only be that because nothing else had changed. She confirmed it for me. It strengthens the immune system! I and even my husband are now completely convinced and will definitely recommend it to others.
Best wishes from the Matt family
with Ice, Bina and Polly
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