The hungry wolf gets its fill.

After trying out different types of dry and wet food for a long time, we came across this wet food thanks to the super competent nutritional advice from AniFit. Our dog Sammy had been suffering from extreme stomach problems and constant diarrhoea for the last 3 months. Suspicions of giardia, worm infestation etc. were not confirmed - it was entirely due to the wrong wet food that had caused all the unpleasant things :/
By gently switching to GOCKELS DUETT - together with the potato flakes - we have finally found the perfect food for our favourite housemate :) Sammy no longer has any problems (no diarrhoea, no vomiting, no stomach rumbling etc.) and we wish we had found out about AniFit and this food much earlier!
The potato flakes have helped us very well with the change of food and our dog Sammy still gets them every day together with his daily wet food (Gockels Duett). The flakes are ready in 3-5 minutes and help to fill the "hungry wolf" ;) What more could you want?
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