Cat (does not eat)

Dear Anifit Team,
I came across the Anifit brand a few years ago but my cat at the time was not ready and I was not patient enough to accept the cat food. Today I live with a tomcat (12 years old) and a cat (5 years old).
The cat has had elevated kidney values for several years, which I managed to get under control thanks to homeopathy. Unfortunately, it was also necessary to change his diet, which caused a few problems. The first problem was that everyone had their own cat food which was only given under supervision, the second problem was that my cat is picky. So I tried the whole range of high-quality food up and down, without success! In the end it was so bad that she no longer ate regularly and then kept me on my toes at night because she was hungry. In short, I was happy with any approach as long as it promised success.
By chance I discovered a parcel from Anifit at the post office and remembered. I arranged a trial meal and got started. My counsellor was very nice and warned me that the road to my goal could be rocky but that I shouldn't give up, everything would be fine in the end.
The first few days went as expected. My cat couldn't get enough and my cat didn't like it. Fortunately, I had ordered treats at the same time and so they were quickly used as a lure. The following days/weeks were very different as I had ordered the whole range and had to test it out first.
Almost 3.5 weeks passed during which my cat sometimes ate (very little) but mostly refused to eat. I was about to give up but then it finally clicked with her, "I can't get anything else". After a few days I rang my consultant and placed the next order. Unfortunately, her luck didn't last long and she had to be persuaded to eat again. But even then I stuck to my guns and was successful.
On the whole I managed it, on most days she eats well, on some days she is even really greedy and on very few days she lets herself be asked again but then she eats too. The most important and most difficult thing was to persevere.
The first positive signs have already appeared, my sick cat's coat looks much better thanks to Anifit.
A long, nerve-wracking journey that was worth it.
Many thanks to
Tanja Mannel
June 2012
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