Blacky (fatty tumour)

Dear Anifit Team,
First of all, I would like to thank you once again for allowing me to get to know Anifit through my consultant, Mrs Engelhardt. The dog food has brought about many positive changes in our dog Blacky. We have all gained from it.
Blacky is now much more alert and full of vigour. It's as if she feels more comfortable in her own skin. It's just so much more fun to do things with her. Even when she was in heat, she was more responsive and cheerful than in previous years. Four to six weeks before and the same time afterwards, she was very sluggish, like a dog's mum, barking and growling at all the dogs. Obeying was completely out of the question. That is largely gone now. She has a fatty lump on the right side of her ribcage. It slowly got bigger and bigger until the summer. Since switchingto Anifit dog foodin July, the fatty lump has more than halved in size!
Blacky has a naturally silky-soft, strong and full coat. But even that has improved after the last coat change. It now shines like a freshly polished coat.
We are also completely satisfied with the quality of the dog food. When we open the tins, we can always smell a delicious odour. Blacky likes it and she needs a third less every day than our old dog food. That was already high quality, but Anifit beats it by far. So the higher price of the tinned food is now a thing of the past.
For the good of all dogs, many more dog owners should buy Anifit.
Petra Götzlich
December 2011
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