Prevention of struvite stones- Ready for shipping, Delivery 1-2 business days
- Prevention of struvite stones
Struvite stones are the most frequent urinary stones to occur in dogs and cats.
Struvite stones are formed in the bladder and may be precipitated into the urethra where they lead to pain and blockages of the urinary tract.
Male cats are mainly affected due to their long and thin urinary tract. Struvite stones are considered infectious stones as the urine pH is made more alkaline due to an infection with bacteria which produce urease.
The first signs of inflammation or a partial blockage in the tract include blood in the urine or frequent, uncomfortable urination. Should this occur, seek the advice of a vet.
The causes and risk factors for the formation of struvite stones are highly varied. They range from urinary tract infection and genetic predisposition to malnutrition over poor hydration.
To help dissolve struvite stones and prevent their reoccurrence, it is recommended that pets are provided with Struvisan in order to benefit from its urine-acidifying properties. Pets are happy to receive the paste.
Struvisan can be given for a period lasting up to six months. It is recommended that the advice of a veterinary professional is sought before using the product.
The pH of the urine is to be lowered or maintained at a level below 7 in order to prevent the formation of struvite stones. A value below 6.5 is already enough to begin dissolving the stones.
Feeding recommendation
Dependent on weight and requirements.
For cats: 2-3 portions.
For dogs: 5-10 portions.
1 x press of the dosing button corresponds to one portion, i.e. approx. 2g.
Serve between mealtimes.
Plant-based products, oils and fats, yeast, dextrose, meat and other animal products, DL-methionine, vitamin E, vitamin C.
Ingredient profile:
18.5 % pure protein, 30.0 % raw oils and fats, 0.3 % raw fibre, 2.0 % crude ash, 22.0 % moisture, 8.0 % DL-methionine, 1.8 % sulphur, 0.6 % chloride, 0.6 % potassium, 0.2 % phosphorous, 0.0 % magnesium, 0.0 % calcium, 0.0 % sodium.
Additives (per kg)
Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) 275 mg, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 880 mg, DL-methionine 80,000 mg, preserved using EU approved additives
Best before
Following first usage, the paste is usable for up to a further six months.
Product information
Nutritional supplement for dogs and cats
100ml tube
Pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse, Öle und Fette, Hefe, Dextrose, Fleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse, DL-Methionin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.
Analytische Bestandteile
18,5 % Rohprotein, 30,0 Rohöle und -fette, 0,3 % Rohfaser, 2,0 % Rohasche, 22,0 % Feuchtigkeit, 8,0 % DL-Methionin, 1,8 % Schwefel, 0,6 % Chloride, 0,6 % Kalium, 0,2 % Phosphor, 0,0 % Magnesium, 0,0 % Calcium, 0,0 % Natrium.
Zusatzstoffe (pro kg)
Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol) 275 mg, Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure) 880 mg, DL Methionin 80.000, Konserviert mit EU Zusatzstoffen
Feeding recommendation
Abhängig von Gewicht und Bedarf.
Bei Katzen: 2-3 Portionen.
Bei Hunden: 5-10 Portionen.
1 x Drücken des Dosierkopfes entspricht einer Portion, das sind ca. 2g.
Getrennt von der Hauptmahlzeit füttern.
Diät-Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Hunde und Katzen
Tube mit 100ml
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